The North Suburban Communications Commission (NSCC) is a joint powers venture by the cities of Arden Hills, Falcon Heights, Lauderdale, Little Canada, Mounds View, New Brighton, North Oaks, Roseville and St. Anthony
The NSCC is made up of representatives of each of the nine member cities. The NSCC administers and enforces the franchise agreement with the cable company and its successors; stewards resources, including franchise fees from member cities and other income and assets acquired by contract with the cable company or others; provides a means of community television through its establishment and oversight of the NSAC (North Suburban Access Corporation); and informs member cities and the public of developing technology and issues related to cable communications.
The North Suburban Access Corporation, doing business as NineNorth, is a non-profit organization governed by a board of directors representing the nine cities served in the joint powers agreement. The organization produces community focused digital media for the purpose of educating and engaging citizens in the JPA area.