Irondale Students at the Youth Climate Strike - Nine North

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Case Studies: Irondale Students at the Youth Climate Strike

The Challenge:

In September of 2019, CTV became aware of the Youth Climate Strikes scheduled to take place at the Minnesota State Capitol. As one of the largest youth protests in recent history, we knew it would be relevant to our audience, but we also wanted to capture a local component that other outlets would not be covering. 

The Approach:

CTV Producer Jared Wiedmeyer took a Canon C100 camera on a handheld stabilizer to the protests at the capitol in order to get b-roll on the day of. This allowed him to move in and around crowds, and get close to the action. However, we were still missing a local component. 

The Solution:

Following the protest, CTV reached out to Irondale Highschool students who had participated in the protest via Facebook. CTV Producers Jared Wiedmeyer, Sydney Bertun and John Camitsch visited the school and were able to interview two sisters about why this issue was important to them. 

The Stats:

This has become our most successful video on social media to date. It has reached over 18,000 people, and been engaged with over 1000 times.

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