Dementia: Caring & Coping (9/10/24) - Nine North

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Dementia: Caring & Coping (9/10/24)

Dementia and Denial – When People Think Nothing is Wrong

Lori La Bey, founder of Alzheimer’s Speaks and co-founder of Dementia Map and Conscious Caregiving with L & L will lead this session. Lori’s mother lived with dementia for 30 years. Denial is a common response and often a natural part of life when dealing with any chronic illness. With dementia, it affects those diagnosed, their family members, and their friends at various times during the disease process and we will explore many different situations. One of the most important things we will discuss is why people experience denial. What is triggering their denial? How is denial protecting them and from what? If we don’t understand the whys, it’s almost impossible to come up with good solutions.


Dementia: Caring & Coping is sponsored by the City of Roseville and the Roseville Area Senior Program.

Recorded September 10, 2024
NineNorth/City of Roseville