Zoning Code - How The Community Can Have Impact on Development -

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Zoning Code – How The Community Can Have Impact on Development

Janice Gundlach is the Community Development Director of the City of Roseville. She chatted with our Executive Director on Cities Speak about the community development process in Roseville. How does the zoning code impacts our city?


What is the zoning code and how does it improve our community? 


The zoning code is a living document that outlines city’s rules and regulations.


All new community development projects use the Comprehensive Plan and the zoning code in the process. As a result, checking these plans ensures the project is in compliance. 


How much input does the community have on the zoning code? Lots!


The community can provide input to make sure the built environment is working the best for everyone in the community. As a result, the community has a voice in the updating of the zoning code. However, zoning code updates can be long and rigorous, so the city doesn’t typically receive a lot of community feedback in the process.   


What does a community development project lifecycle look like?


Before the project enters the formal proposal phase, an open house is held to answer the questions of the public. This allows the city time to review the project and address any issues community members bring up about the project. 


Following the open house phase, the city will review the Comprehensive Plan and the zoning code to ensure the development project is within the rules and regulations. 


After an extensive proposal process and review, the City Council can move a development project forward. 


Every 10 years the zoning code is reviewed. This ensure the rules and regulations are in line with the community’s vision. City Council updates the zoning code when they need to.


Gundlach says, “Community means to me, a group of people coming together to achieve a unified goal. Community development is a really great term because everything that we do has a tremendous amount of public input.”


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